Solving Recursion Problems - AlgoExpert

1. Nth Fibonacci


        ## O(2^n) time | O(N) space
        def getNthFib(n):
            # Write your code here.
          if n == 1:
            return 0
          elif n == 2:
            return 1
            return getNthFib(n-1) + getNthFib(n-2)
        ## O(N) time | O(N) space
        def getNthFib(n, memrize = {1:0, 2:1}):
            # Write your code here.
            if n in memrize:
            return memrize[n]
            memrize[n] = getNthFib(n-1, memrize) + getNthFib(n-2, memrize)
            return memrize[n]
        ## O(n) time | O(1) space
        def getNthFib(n):
          next_ = [0, 1]
          counter = 3
          while (counter <= n ):
            sum_ = next_[0] + next_[1]
            next_[0] = next_[1]
            next_[1] = sum_
            cunter += 1
          return next_[1] if n>=2 else next_[0]

2. Produc Sum


        ## O(N) time where N is the total number of elements of the original arrays and its sub-arrays and so on and so forth
        ## O(D) space where D is the depth of the sub-arrays
        # Tip: You can use the type(element) function to check whether an item
        # is a list or an integer.
        def productSum(array, multiplier = 1):
            # Write your code here.
          sum_ = 0
            for element in array:
              if type(element) is list:
                sum_ += productSum(element, multiplier+1)
                sum_ += element 
          return sum_ * multiplier
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