It's possible that Python wouldn't have become the lingua franca of data science if it wasn't for pandas. The package's exponential growth on Stack Overflow means two things:
This repo contains a few peculiar things I've learned about pandas that have made my life easier and my code faster. This post isn't a friendly tutorial for beginners, but a friendly introduction to pandas weirdness.
To demonstrate the use of pandas, we'll be using the interview reviews scraped from Glassdoor in 2019. The data is stored in the folder data
under the name interviews.csv
I'll continue updating this repo as I have more time. As I'm still learning pandas quirks, feedback is much appreciated!
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("data/interviews.csv")
Pandas is built around DataFrame
, a concept inspired by R's Data Frame, which is, in turn, similar to tables in relational databases. A DataFrame
is a two-dimentional table with rows and columns.
One important thing to know about pandas is that it's column-major, which explains many of its quirks.
Column-major means consecutive elements in a column are stored next to each other in memory. Row-major means the same but for elements in a row. Because modern computers process sequential data more efficiently than nonsequential data, if a table is row-major, accessing its rows will be much faster than accessing its columns.
In NumPy, major order can be specified. When a ndarray
is created, it's row-major by default if you don't specify the order.
Like R's Data Frame, pandas' DataFrame
is column-major. People coming to pandas from NumPy tend to treat DataFrame
the way they would ndarray
, e.g. trying to access data by rows, and find DataFrame
Note: A column in a DataFrame
is a Series
. You can think of a DataFrame
as a bunch of Series
being stored next to each other in memory.
For our dataset, accessing a row takes about 50x longer than accessing a column in our DataFrame
# Get the column `date`, 1000 loops
%timeit -n1000 df["Date"]
# Get the first row, 1000 loops
%timeit -n1000 df.iloc[0]
¶pandas documentation has a warning box that basically tells you not to iterate over rows because it's slow.
Before iterating over rows, think about what you want to do with each row, pack that into a function and use methods like .apply()
to apply the function to all rows.
For example, to scale the "Experience" column by the number of "Upvotes" each review has, one way is to iteratate over rows and multiple the "Upvotes" value by the "Experience" value of that row. But you can also use .apply()
with a lambda
%timeit -n1 df.apply(lambda x: x["Experience"] * x["Upvotes"], axis=1)
and .itertuples()
¶If you really want to iterate over rows, one naive way is to use .iterrows()
. It returns a generator that generates row by row and it's very slow.
%timeit -n1 [row for index, row in df.iterrows()]
# This is what a row looks like as a pandas object
for index, row in df.iterrows():
returns rows in the namedtuple
format. It still lets you access each row and it's about 40x faster than .iterrows()
%timeit -n1 [row for row in df.itertuples()]
# This is what a row looks like as a namedtuple.
for row in df.itertuples():
If you need to do a lot of row operations, you might want to convert your DataFrame
to a NumPy's row-major ndarray
, then iterating through the rows.
# Now, iterating through our DataFrame is 100x faster.
%timeit -n1 df_np = df.to_numpy(); rows = [row for row in df_np]
Accessing a row or a column of our ndarray
takes nanoseconds instead of microseconds.
df_np = df.to_numpy()
%timeit -n1000 df_np[0]
%timeit -n1000 df_np[:,0]
Because pandas is column-major, if you want to do multiple slicing operations, always do the column-based slicing operations first.
For example, if you want to get the review from the first row of the data, there are two slicing operations:
Get row -> get review is 25x slower than get review -> get row.
Note: You can also just use df.loc[0, "Review"]
to calculate the memory address to retrieve the item. Its performance is comparable to get review then get row.
%timeit -n1000 df["Review"][0]
%timeit -n1000 df.iloc[0]["Review"]
%timeit -n1000 df.loc[0, "Review"]
Sometimes, when you try to assign values to a subset of data in a DataFrame, you get SettingWithCopyWarning
. Don't ignore the warning because it means sometimes, the assignment works (example 1), but sometimes, it doesn't (example 2).
# Example 1: Changing the review of the first row.
df["Review"][0] = "I like Orange better."
# Even though with the warning, the assignment works. The review is updated.
# Example 2: Changing the company name Apple to Orange.
df[df["Company"] == "Apple"]["Company"] = "Orange"
# With the warning, the assignment doesn't work. The company name is still Apple.
vs. Copy
¶To understand this weird behavior, we need to understand two concepts in pandas: View
vs. Copy
is the actual DataFrame
you want to work with.Copy
is a copy of that actual DataFrame
, which will be thrown away as soon as the operation is done.So if you try to do an assignment on a Copy
, the assignment won't work.
doesn't mean you're making changes to a Copy
. It means that the thing you're making changes to might be a Copy
or a View
, and pandas can't tell you.
The ambiguity happens because of __getitem__
sometimes returns a Copy
, sometimes a View
, and pandas makes no guarantee.
# df["Review"][0] = "I like Orange better."
# can be understood as
# `df.__getitem__("Review").__setitem__(0, "I like Orange better.")`
# df[df["Company"] == "Apple"]["Company"] = "Orange"
# can be understood as
# df.__getitem__(where df["Company"] == "Apple").__setitem__("Company", "Orange")
# Changing the review of the first row.
df.loc[0, "Review"] = "Orange is love. Orange is life."
# Changing the company name Apple to Orange.
df.loc[df["Company"] == "Apple", "Company"] = "Orange"
I believe SettingWithCopyWarning
should be an Exception instead of a warning. You can change this warning into an exception with pandas' magic set_option()
pd.set_option("mode.chained_assignment", "raise")
# Running this will show you an Exception
# df["Review"][0] = "I like Orange better."
# Accessing the third row of a `DataFrame`.
Slicing with .iloc[]
is similar to slicing in Python. If you want a refresh on how slicing in Python works, see Python-is-cool.
# Selecting the last 6 rows
# Selecting 1 from every 2 rows in the last 6 rows
: selecting rows by labels or boolean masks¶.loc[]
lets you select rows based on one of the two things:
If you want to select all the rows where candidates declined offer, you can do it with two steps:
df.loc[df["Offer"] == "Declined offer"]
# This is equivalent to:
# mask = df["Offer"] == "Declined offer"
# df.loc[mask]
# Adding label "Hardware" if the company name is "Orange", "Dell", "IDM", or "Siemens".
# "Orange" because we changed "Apple" to "Orange" above.
# Adding label "Software" otherwise.
def company_type(x):
hardware_companies = set(["Orange", "Dell", "IBM", "Siemens"])
return "Hardware" if x["Company"] in hardware_companies else "Software"
df["Type"] = df.apply(lambda x: company_type(x), axis=1)
# Setting "Type" to be labels. We call ""
df = df.set_index("Type")
# Label columns aren't considered part of the DataFrame's content.
# After adding labels to your DataFrame, it still has 10 columns, same as before.
Warning: labels in DataFrame
are stored as normal columns when you write the DataFrame
to file using .to_csv()
, and will need to be explicitly set after loading files, so if you send your CSV file to other people without explaining, they'll have no way of knowing which columns are labels. This might cause reproducibility issues. See Stack Overflow answer.
# Selecting rows with label "Hardware"
# To drop a label, you need to use reset_index with drop=True
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
Slicing pandas Series
is similar to slicing in Python.
series = df.Company
# The first 1000 companies, pikcing every 100th companies
# If you want to lowercase all the reviews in the `Reviews` column.
# Or if you want to get the length of all the reviews
can be very powerful if you use it with Regex. Imagine you want to get a sense of how long the interview process takes for each review. You notice that each review mentions how long it takes such as "the process took 4 weeks". So you use this heuristic:
df.loc[df["Review"].str.contains("days"), "Process"] = "Short"
df.loc[df["Review"].str.contains("week"), "Process"] = "Average"
df.loc[df["Review"].str.contains("month|[4-9]+[^ ]* weeks|[1-9]\d{1,}[^ ]* weeks"), "Process"] = "Long"
df[~df.Process.isna()][["Review", "Process"]]
We want to sanity check if Process
corresponds to Review
, but Review
is cut off in the display above. To show longer columns, you can set display.max_colwidth
to 100
Note: set_option has several great options you should check out.
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 100)
df[~df.Process.isna()][["Review", "Process"]]
# To see the built-in functions available for `.str`, use this
pandas Series
has 3 other accessors.
: handles date
: handles categorical data.sparse
: handles sparse matricespd.Series._accessors
When analyzing data, you might want to take a look at the data. pandas has some great built-in functions for that.
, .tail()
, .describe()
, .info()
¶You're probably familiar with .head()
and .tail()
methods for showing the first/last rows of DataFrame
. By default, 5 rows are shown, but you can specify the exact number.
# Gnerate statistics about numeric columns.
# Note:
# 1. `.describe()` ignores all non-numeric columns.
# 2. It doesn't take into account NaN values. So, the number shown in `count` below is the number of non-NaN entries.
# Show non-null count and types of all columns
# Note: pandas treats string type as object
# You can also see how much space your DataFrame is taking up
import sys
You can get the number of unique values in a row (excluding NaN) with nunique()
# Get the number of unique companies in our data
# You can also see how many reviews are for each company, sorted in a descending order.
If you want to see the break down of process lengths for different companies, you can use .plot()
with .groupby()
Note: Plotting in pandas is both mind-boggling and mind-blowing. If you're not familiar, you might want to check out some tutorials, e.g. this simple tutorial or this saiyan-level pandas plotting with seaborn.
# Group the DataFrame by "Company" and "Process", count the number of elements,
# then unstack by "Process", then plot a bar chart
df.groupby(["Company", "Process"]).size().unstack(level=1).plot(kind="bar", figsize=(15, 8))
pandas is great for most day-to-day data analysis. It's instrumental to my job and I'm grateful that the entire pandas community is actively developing it. However, I think some of pandas design decisions are a bit questionable.
Some of the common pandas pitfalls:
NaNs are stored as floats in pandas, so when an operation fails because of NaNs, it doesn't say that there's a NaN but because that operation doesn't exist for floats.
Most pandas operations aren't inplace by default, so if you make changes to your DataFrame
, you need to assign the changes back to your DataFrame. You can make changes inplace by setting argument inplace=True
# "Process" column is still in df
# To make changes to df, set `inplace=True`
df.drop(columns=["Process"], inplace=True)
# This is equivalent to
# df = df.drop(columns=["Process"])
Especially with dumping and loading DataFrame
to/from files. There are two main causes:
pandas can't take advantage of GPUs, so if your computations are on on GPUs and your feature engineering is on CPUs, it can become a time bottleneck to move data from CPUs to GPUs. If you want something like pandas but works on GPUs, check out dask and modin.
Oh, and this is the analysis I did based on this data, in case you're interested!