Solving Arrays Problems - AlgoExpert

15 questions about Arrays.

1. Two Number Sum

Write a function that takes in a non-empty array of distinct integers and an integer representing a target sum. If any two numbers in the input array sum up to the target sum, the function should return them in an array, in any order. If no two numbers sum up to the target sum, the function should return an empty array.


  import java.util.Arrays;

  object SumTwoNumbers {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
      val input_array =  Array( -21, 301, 12, 4, 65, 56, 210, 356, 9, -47)
    def twoNumberSum1(array:Array[Int], targetSum:Int) : Array[Int]= {
      var i =0;
        for ( i <- 0 to array.length){
        var firstNum = array(i);
        var secondNum = targetSum -firstNum
        if (array contains(secondNum)) {
          return Array(firstNum, secondNum)
      return Array()
  // Time complexity O(nlogn) | Space complexity O(1)
    def twoNumberSum2(array: Array[Int], targetSum: Int ): Array[Int] = {
      var left = 0;
      var right = array.length -1;
      while (left < right){
        var currentSum = array(left) + array(right);
        if (currentSum == targetSum){
          return Array(array(left), array(right));
        else if (currentSum < targetSum){
        else if (currentSum > targetSum){
      return Array()
  // output: [-47,210]

  # # O(n^2) time | O(1) space
  -----------------------Solution 1 -----------------------------------------
  def twoNumberSum(array, targetSum):
      # Write your code here.
    for i in range(0,len(array)):
      for j in range(1,len(array)):
        if (array[i] + array[j] == targetSum ) and (i != j):
          return [array[i] , array[j] ]
    return []
  # # O(n^2) time | O(1) space
  ---------------------------Solution 2-------------------------------------
  def twoNumberSum(array, targetSum):
      # Write your code here.
    for i in range(0,len(array)-1):
      for j in range(i+1,len(array)):
        if (array[i] + array[j] == targetSum ) and (i != j):
          return [array[i] , array[j] ]
    return []
  # # O(n) time | O(n) space
  ---------------------------Solution 3-------------------------------------
  def twoNumberSum(array, targetSum):
      # Write your code here.
    for i in range(0,len(array)):
      firstNumber = array[i]
      secondNumber = targetSum - firstNumber
      if secondNumber in array[i+1:]:
        return sorted([firstNumber, secondNumber])
    return []
  # # O(nlogn) time | O(1) space
  ---------------------------Solution 4-------------------------------------
  def twoNumberSum(array, targetSum):
      # Write your code here.
    left  = 0 
    right = len(array) -1
    while left < right:
      currentSum = array[left] + array[right]
      if currentSum == targetSum:
        return [array[left] , array[right]]
      elif currentSum < targetSum:
      elif currentSum > targetSum:
    return []

  // # O(nlogn) time | O(1) space
  import java.util.*;
  class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      int[] input_array =  new int[]{ -21, 301, 12, 4, 65, 56, 210, 356, 9, -47};
      System.out.println(Arrays.toString(twoNumberSum(input_array, 163)));
    public static int[] twoNumberSum(int[] array, int targetSum) {
      // Write your code here.
      int left;
      left = 0;
      int right ;
      right = array.length -1 ;
      while (left < right ) {
        int currentSum ;
        currentSum = array[left] + array[right];
        if ( currentSum == targetSum){
          return  new int[] {array[left] , array[right]};
        else if ( currentSum < targetSum){
        else if ( currentSum > targetSum){
      return new int[] {};
   output: [-47, 210]

2. Validate Subsequence

Given two non-empty arrays of integers, write a function that determines whether the second array is a subsequence of the first one.

A subsequence of an array is a set of numbers that aren't necessarily adjacent in the array but that are in the same order as they appear in the array. For instance, the number [1, 3, 4] from a subsequence of the array [1, 2, 3, 4], and so do the numbers [2, 4]. Note that a single number in an array itself are both valid subsequence of the array.

For this problem, we have 2 approaches:

  • O(n^2) time | O(1) space using a for loop
  • O(n^2) time | O(1) space using a while loop
  • Python
      # Time: O(n) | Space: O(1)
      def isValidSubsequence(array, sequence):
          # Write your code here.
        seq_length = len(sequence)
        for element in array:
          if element == sequence[idx]:
          if idx == seq_length:
            return True
        return False
      # Time: O(n) | Space: O(1)
      def isValidSubsequence(array, sequence):
          seqIdx = 0
          for value in array:
              if seqIdx == len(sequence):
                  return True
              if sequence[seqIdx] == value:
                  seqIdx += 1
          return seqIdx == len(sequence)
      # Time: O(n) | Space: O(1)
      def isValidSubsequence(array, sequence):
          seqIdx = 0
          arrIdx = 0
          while arrIdx < len(array) and seqIdx < len(sequence):
              if array[arrIdx] == sequence[seqIdx]:
                  seqIdx += 1
              arrIdx += 1
          return seqIdx == len(sequence)		
      #  "array": [5, 1, 22, 25, 6, -1, 8, 10],
      #  "sequence": [5, 1, 22, 22, 25, 6, -1, 8, 10]
      # result: Flase

    3. Three Number Sum

    For this problem, there are 2 solutions:

  • O(n^3) time | O(n) space using 3 for loops
  • O(n^2) time | O(n) space using 2 pointers left and right with while loop inside a for loop
  • Python
    # O(n^3) time | O(n) space
    def threeNumberSum(array, targetSum):
        # Write your code here.
    	output = []
    	for i in range(0,len(array)-2):
    		for j in range(i+1,len(array)-1):
    			for k in range(j+1,len(array)):
    				if ((array[i] + array[j] + array[k]) == targetSum)  :
    					output.append([array[i], array[j], array[k]])
    	return output
    # O(n^2) time | O(n) space
    def threeNumberSum(array, targetSum):
        # Write your code here.
        array.sort()  # nlogn
        results = []
        for current in range(len(array)):
            left = current + 1
            right = len(array) - 1
            while left < right:
                print( array[current], array[left], array[right])
                result = array[current] + array[left] + array[right]
                if result == targetSum:
                    results.append([array[current], array[left], array[right]])
                    left += 1
                    right -= 1
                elif result < targetSum:
                    left += 1
                    right -= 1
        return results
    print(threeNumberSum([12, 3, 1, 2, -6, 5, -8, 6],0 ))
    #[[-8, 2, 6], [-8, 3, 5], [-6, 1, 5]]

    4. Smallest Difference

    For this problem, we have 2 solutions:

  • O(n^2) time | O(1) space using 2 for loops
  • (nlog(n) + mlog(m)) time | O(n) space using 2 pointers inside a while loop
  • Python
        # O(n^2) time | O(1) space
        def smallestDifference(arrayOne, arrayTwo):  
            # Write your code here.
          smallest_pair= [None,None]
          smallest_value = None
          for arrOneIdx in  range(0,len(arrayOne),1):
            for arrTwoIdx in range(0,len(arrayTwo),1):
              abs_diff = abs(arrayOne[arrOneIdx] - arrayTwo[arrTwoIdx])
              if arrOneIdx == 0 and arrTwoIdx == 0:
                smallest_value = abs_diff
              if  abs_diff < smallest_value:
                smallest_value = abs_diff 
                smallest_pair[0] = arrayOne[arrOneIdx]
                smallest_pair[1] = arrayTwo[arrTwoIdx]
          return smallest_pair
        # O(n^2) time | O(1) space 
        # float('inf'), float('-inf')
         def smallestDifference(arrayOne, arrayTwo):  
            # Write your code here.
            smallest = [float('inf'), float('-inf')]
            for one in arrayOne:
                for two in arrayTwo:
                    if abs(smallest[0] - smallest[1]) > abs(one - two):
                        smallest = [one, two]
            return smallest
        # O(nlog(n) + mlog(m)) time (because the length of the two arrays are different)
        # O(1) space 
        def smallestDifference(arrayOne, arrayTwo):
          arrayOne, arrayTwo = sorted(arrayOne), sorted(arrayTwo)
            smallest=[float("inf"), float("-inf")]
          arrOneIdx, arrTwoIdx  = 0 , 0
          while ((arrOneIdx < len(arrayOne)) and  (arrTwoIdx < len(arrayTwo))):
            if abs(smallest[0]-smallest[1]) > abs(arrayOne[arrOneIdx] - arrayTwo[arrTwoIdx]):
              smallest[0] = arrayOne[arrOneIdx]
              smallest[1] = arrayTwo[arrTwoIdx]
            if arrayOne[arrOneIdx] < arrayTwo[arrTwoIdx]:
              arrOneIdx += 1
            elif arrayOne[arrOneIdx] > arrayTwo[arrTwoIdx]:
              arrTwoIdx += 1
          return smallest
    #  "arrayOne": [10, 1000],
    #  "arrayTwo": [-1441, -124, -25, 1014, 1500, 660, 410, 245, 530]
    # [1000, 1014]

    5. Move Element To End

    # O(n^2) time | O(1) space
    def moveElementToEnd(array, toMove):
        # Write your code here.
    	final_Array = []
    	for element in array:
    		if element == toMove:
    	for i in range(0,count):
    	return final_Array
    # O(n) time | O(1) space			
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    def moveElementToEnd(array, toMove):
        left, right = 0, len(array) - 1
    	while left < right:
    		if array[right] == toMove:
    			right -= 1
    		if array[left] != toMove:
    			left += 1
    		if array[left] == toMove and array[right] != toMove:
    			array[left], array[right] = array[right], array[left]
    	return array
    # O(n) time | O(1) space			
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    def moveElementToEnd(array, toMove):
        # Write your code here
    	left, right = 0, len(array) -1
    	while left < right:
    		while (left < right) and (array[right] == toMove):
    			right -= 1
    		if array[left] == toMove:
    			temp = array[left]
    			array[left] = array[right]
    			array[right] = temp
    		left +=1
      return array

    6. Monotonic Array

    **A monotonic array is an array that is either non-decreasing or non-increasing**

      # 0(n) time | O(1) space
      def isMonotonic(array):
          # Write your code here.
        isNonDecreasing = True
        isNonIncreasing = True
          for i in range(0, len(array)-1):
          if array[i] < array[i+1]:
            isNonDecreasing = False
          if array[i] > array[i+1]:
            isNonIncreasing = False
        return isNonIncreasing or isNonDecreasing
      # return True or False -> kq la True
      # 0(n) time | O(1) space
      def isMonotonic(array):
          # Write your code here
        if len(array) <=2:
          return True
        for i in range(1, len(array)-1):
          prev_element = array[i-1]
          curr_element = array[i]
          next_element = array[i+1]
          if prev_element <= curr_element <= next_element or prev_element >= curr_element >= next_element:
            return False
        return True
      # isMonotonic[-1, -5, -10, -1100, -1101, -1102, -9001]
      # result= True

    7. Spiral Traverse

      ## O(N) time complexity | O(N) space complexity
      def spiralTraverse(array): 
          result = []
          startingRow, startingColumn, endingRow, endingColumn = 0, 0, len(array)-1, len(array[0])-1
          while startingRow <=  endingRow and startingColumn <= endingColumn:
              for i in range(startingColumn,endingColumn+1):
              for i in range(startingRow+1,endingRow+1):
              for i in range(endingColumn-1,startingColumn-1,-1):
                  if startingRow == endingRow:
              for i in range(endingRow-1, startingRow,-1):
                  if startingColumn == endingColumn:
          return result
        [1, 2, 3, 4],
        [12, 13, 14, 5],
        [11, 16, 15, 6],
        [10, 9, 8, 7]]))

    8. Longest Peak

      ## O(2n) or O(3n) time because we may visit a number twice or third,
      ## but we can simplify to O(n) time | O(1) space 
      def longestPeak(array):
        longestLength  = 0
        idx = 1
        while idx < len(array) -1 :
          isPeak = array[idx-1] < array[idx] and  array[idx] > array[idx+1] 
          if isPeak == False:
          leftIdx = idx-2
          rightIdx = idx +2
          while leftIdx >= 0 and  array[leftIdx] < array[leftIdx+1]:
            leftIdx-= 1
          while  rightIdx < len(array) and array[rightIdx] < array[rightIdx-1] :
            rightIdx += 1
          currLenth = rightIdx - leftIdx -1
          longestLength = max(longestLength, currLenth)
          idx = rightIdx
        return longestLength 
      # {"array": [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 0, 10]}
      # result = 3
      # {"array": [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1]}
      # result = 5

    9. Array of Product

    ## -------------------------------
    ## O(n^2) time | O(n) space
    def arrayOfProducts(array):
        # Write your code here.
      result = []
        for i in range(len(array)):
        runningProduct = 1
        for j in range(len(array)):
          if j != i:
            runningProduct *= array[j]
      return result
    ## -------------------------------
    ## O(n) time | O(n) space
    def arrayOfProducts(array):
      product = [1 for _ in range(len(array))]
      leftRunningProduct = 1
      for i in range(len(array)):
        product[i] = leftRunningProduct
        leftRunningProduct *= array[i]
      rightRunningProduct =1
      for i in reversed(range(len(array))):
        product[i] *= rightRunningProduct
        rightRunningProduct *= array[i]
    arrayOfProducts([5, 1, 4, 2])
    ## O(n) time | O(n) space
    def arrayOfProducts(array):
        # Write your code here.
      result = []
      for idx in range(0,len(array),1):
        runningProduct = 1
        leftidx = idx-1
        rightidx = idx +1
        while leftidx >= 0:
          runningProduct *= array[leftidx]
          leftidx -= 1
        while rightidx <= (len(array) -1) :
          runningProduct *= array[rightidx]
          rightidx += 1
      return result
    # {"array": [5, 1, 4, 2]}
    # [8, 40, 10, 20]

    10. Find first duplicate value with constraint

    # O(n) time | O(n) space
    # using Dictionary to store
    def firstDuplicateValue(array):
        # Write your code here.
      eleDict = {}
        for i in array:
        if i not in eleDict:
          eleDict[i] = 1
          return i
      return -1
    # O(n) time | O(n) space
    # using Set to store
    def firstDuplicateValue(array):
        # Write your code here.
      seen = set()
        for i in array:
        if i not in seen:
          return i
      return -1
    # O(N) time | O(1) space
    def firstDuplicateValue(array):
        # Write your code here.
      for value in array:
        if array[abs(value)-1] < 0:
          return abs(value)
        array[abs(value) -1] *= -1 
        return -1
    print(firstDuplicateValue([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10]))
    print(firstDuplicateValue([2, 1, 1]))

    11. Four Number Sum

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