
Harry Trinh

Full stack Data Scientist, ML Engineer

Brief Introduction

Hi! I am harry who has been working in data science for over 5 years as a Data Scientist/ Machine Learning Engineer. I am also a member of IEEE who received a Master of Engineering degree in Seoul, South Korea. My research interests focus mainly on computer vision, big data, cloud computing, computer networks, and network security. Currently, I am working as a fullstack Data Scientist at eSmart Systems based in Oslo, Norway. Prior to my current position at eSmart, I worked as a senior ML engineer at Arbeon , Seoul, South Korea.

If you want to work with me or to find a co-founder of a startup, please, get in touch! ^_^ 💪


R-EDoS: Robust Economic Denial of Sustainability Detection in an SDN-based Cloud through Stochastic Recurrent Neural Network

Cloud computing is now known as the most cost-effective platform for delivering big data and artificial intelligence services over the Internet to enterprises and cloud consumers. However, despite many recent security developments, many cloud consumers continue to express great concern about using these platforms because they still have significant vulnerabilities. Typically, Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) attacks exploit the pay-as-you-go billing mechanisms used by cloud service providers, so that a cloud customer is forced to to pay an extra fee for the additional resources triggered by the attack activities...

BDF-SDN: A Big Data Framework for DDoS Attack Detection in Large-Scale SDN-Based Cloud

Software-defined networking (SDN) nowadays is extensively being used in a variety of practical settings, provides a new way to manage networks by separating the data plane from its control plane. However, SDN is particularly vulnerable to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks because of its centralized control logic. Many studies have been proposed to tackle DDoS attacks in an SDN design using machine-learning-based schemes; however, these feature-based detection schemes are highly resource-intensive and they are unable to perform reliably in such a large-scale SDN network where a massive amount of traffic data is generated from both control and data planes. This can deplete computing resources, degrade network performance, or even shut down the network systems owing to being exhausting resources. To address the above challenges, this paper proposes a big data framework to overcome traditional data processing limitations and to exploit distributed resources effectively for the most compute-intensive tasks such as DDoS attack detection using machine learning techniques, etc. We demonstrate the robustness, scalability, and effectiveness of our framework through practical experiments.

Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) Detection using GANs in SDN-based Cloud

Cloud computing is now considered to be the most cost-effective platform for offering business and consumer IT services over the Internet. However, it is prone to new vulnerabilities. Specifically, a newly discovered type of attack, called an economic-denial-of-sustainability attack known as EDoS, exploits the pay-per-use model to scale up the resource usage over time to the degree that the cloud user has to pay for the unexpected usage charge. To prevent EDoS attacks, we propose an effective solution in the SDN-based cloud computing environment. We first introduce a machine-learning-based approach adopting a framework called MAD-GAN which applies an unsupervised multivariate anomaly detection technique based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)...

ECSD: Enhanced Compromised Switch Detection in an SDN-Based Cloud Through Multivariate Time-Series Analysis

In our previous work, we proposed an efficient scheme for detecting compromised SDN switches based on chaotic analysis of network traffic using an autoregressive-integrated-moving-average model. This scheme showed good results overall; however, it still showed high false-alarm rates due to a hard-set threshold. In this paper, we propose an enhanced scheme to detect compromised SDN switches effectively and reliably. The scheme consists of two phases (online and offline), leveraging the advantages of a stochastic recurrent neural network variant of multivariate time-series-based anomaly detection. Our main idea is to capture the normal patterns of multivariate time series by learning strong representations with the key techniques, such as planar normalizing flow and stochastic variable connection, then reconstruct input data by the representations, and use the reconstruction probabilities to find anomalies. Evaluation results of our proposed scheme yield outstanding performance in comparison with our previous work and other solutions.

Dynamic Economic-Denial-of-Sustainability (EDoS) Detection in SDN-based Cloud

To prevent EDoS attacks, we propose an efficient solution in the SDN-based cloud computing environment. In this paper, we first apply an unsupervised learning approach called Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), which is a multivariate time series anomaly detection, to detect EDoS attacks. Its key idea is to try to predict values of the resource usage of a cloud consumer (CPU load, memory usage and etc). Furthermore, unlike other existing proposals using a predefined threshold to classify the anomalies which generate high rate errors, in this work, we utilize a dynamic error threshold which delivers much better performance. Through practical experiments, the proposed …

An Effective Defense Against SYN Flooding Attack in SDN

SYN Flooding Attack, one of the typical Denial of Service attacks, may not only exhaust the resource of a victim but also paralyze the entire SDN network by a large number of control messages between controllers and SDN switches. Although various approaches have been proposed to defend the SYN flooding attack, they still have some drawbacks such as packet processing overload and delay. Therefore, this paper proposes an efficient SYN flooding defense scheme utilizing the TCP Time Out mechanism and Round-Trip Time (RTT). The experiment results show the proposed scheme can defend the attack with low bandwidth occupation between the controller and SDN switches and little computing resources…

Abnormal SDN switches detection based on chaotic analysis of network traffic

Network flow is susceptible to disruption through a software-defined network caused by malicious switches. The malicious behaviors such as dropping traffic, adding or delaying traffic are diverse. Once a switch is compromised by an attacker, the switch could be malfunctioning or configured incorrectly. In this paper, we propose a real-time method of detecting compromised SDN switches based on chaotic analysis of network traffic. An ARIMA model is used to predict the number of flows in every following three seconds. Then, by calculating the maximum Lyapunov exponent, the chaotic behavior of prediction error time-series is analyzed. Simulation findings indicate that 99.63% of traffic states can be accurately classified by the proposed algorithm.

My Talks

Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) Detection Using GANs in SDN-based Cloud

IEEE ICCE 2021 - Phu Quoc island, Vietnam

Abnormal Switch Detection Based On Chaotic Analysis of Network Traffic

For this research project, I had two official talks in KAIST university 2019 and IEEE APCC 2019 in HCMC-Vietnam &


(last updated: Aug, 2021)

Unsupervised Image Retrieval

Computer Vision Project at @Arbeon

Logo Retrieval Detection Using Deep Metric Learning

Computer Vision Project at @Arbeon


Research projects during my Masters [2019-2020]

Global Covid19

Exploring how govements' actions affect the spread of Covid19 @Nature [2020]

Airbnb Prediction

Global Airbnb Price Prediction using Spark on Scala [2019]


SHAP, publication work at @Nature


Individual Conditional Expectation & Patial Dependence Plot, publication work at @Nature


SHAP 2 explains the output of a machine learning model @Nature.


Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations, publication work at @Nature


Lung Cancer Diagnosis From X-Ray Images, @CBD Robotics 2017] [code]
