Metric learning is the task of learning a distance function over objects. A metric or distance function has to obey four axioms: non-negativity, identity of indiscernibles, symmetry and subadditivity (or the triangle inequality).
I will be starting sharing best state-of-the-art papers here.
How to build a deep-learning model API in production for a large-scale system using Torch, uvicorn, FastAPI, docker, docker compose, redis.
In computer science, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements whose order is not given by their physical placement in memory. Instead, each element points to the next. It is a data structure consisting of a collection of nodes which together represent a sequence.
This post isn't a friendly tutorial for beginners, but a friendly introduction to pandas weirdness. 1) pandas is column-major, which is why row-based operations are slow 2) SettingWithCopyWarning, or why we can't have nice things 3) Indexing and slicing 4) Accessors 5) Data exploration 6) Common pitfalls
R supports parallel computations with the core doParallel
package does is provide a backend while utilizing the core parallel package. The caret
package is used for developing and testing machine learning models in R. This package as well as others like
support multicore CPU speedups if a parallel backend is registered before the supported
instructions are called.
AlgoExpert is a paid platform where software engineers can practice technical interview questions. The team picked 90 common data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving questions that span 14 categories and 5 difficulty levels. Users can write in 7 different languages, using an in-browser coding window to write and run code.
AlgoExpert is a paid platform where software engineers can practice technical interview questions. The team picked 90 common data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving questions that span 14 categories and 5 difficulty levels. Users can write in 7 different languages, using an in-browser coding window to write and run code.
SQL questions from Leetcode
AlgoExpert is a paid platform where software engineers can practice technical interview questions. The team picked 90 common data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving questions that span 14 categories and 5 difficulty levels. Users can write in 7 different languages, using an in-browser coding window to write and run code.
AlgoExpert is a paid platform where software engineers can practice technical interview questions. The team picked 90 common data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving questions that span 14 categories and 5 difficulty levels. Users can write in 7 different languages, using an in-browser coding window to write and run code.
AlgoExpert is a paid platform where software engineers can practice technical interview questions. The team picked 90 common data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving questions that span 14 categories and 5 difficulty levels. Users can write in 7 different languages, using an in-browser coding window to write and run code.
My notes on week 13 from the MMDS Standford course.
PC hardware is now so cheap that buying a couple of extra machines and wiring them into the same computing pool could make a very cost-effective expansion. This is what we are going to build, and we're going to use Ubuntu Linux to do it. Linux can take cluster computing tasks like these in its stride, and you don't need to fork out for a licence for every machine.
Easy install Apache Airflow.